Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Sr. Madlien read If I Built a Car and she gave the students a worksheet about the story which we completed as a class.
Writing: Students learned more about Singulars and vowels and we completed our worksheet about Singulars.
Math: Math book pages 131, 132 and 133.
Social Studies: Students started working on their projects in groups by cutting and pasting pictures to make a community. They also gave their projects titles.
Health: We talked about some safety rules we need to follow when we are outside crossing the street.
Homework: Pray Maghrib and Isha.
Homework pack (due Tuesday)
Math book pages 131, 132 and 133 (Home Connection)
Read a story.
Reminders: Tomorrow is International Day! Students are encouraged to come in their traditional clothes from either of their parents' cultures. Students who are not planning to wear a traditional dress should come in their school uniform. Students bring a traditional dish to be shared with students in class..