Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They wrote missing letters in word shapes to complete the list words in their spelling books.
Writing: Students learned about Singular and vowels. They started working on a worksheet about Singulars.
Library: Tr. Nancy read "Each Kindness" and students checked out books.
Social Studies: Students showed the class the symbols they made at home and we talked about their meanings. We learned about International Day and how people in our community come from different countries.
Gym: Students practiced kicking the ball. They raced each other.
Quran: Surat "Al-Layl" Please review from aya 1 to 7 and memorize from aya 8 to 14.
Islamic Studies: We talked about the Prophet (SAW) as a child. We sang a nasheed about the Prophet (SAW). We prayed Asr.
Read a story.
- Tomorrow is SCHOOL PICTURE DAY in shaa Allah. Students should come to school well groomed.
- Thursday is International Day. Students can wear traditional clothes. Students bring a traditional plate to share with the class.
- Homework pack is due tomorrow.
- Sign your child's spelling quiz.
- If your child did not bring a sign for Show and Tell today, please make sure he/she has it tomorrow.
Hope you have a great evening in shaa Allah!