Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read Suki's Kimono. We talked about the importance of accepting differences in our community.
Math: Students took a Math worksheet about 3-D shapes.
Social Studies: Students presented their signs in front of the class. They sat in groups and looked at pictures of different jobs, buildings and vehicles and matched them. Students will be using these pictures to work in groups to make communities.
Islamic Studies: We talked about the Prophet (SAW) and how he worked hard.
Homework: Pray Maghrib and Isha.
Students finish colouring their Math worksheet.
Read a story.
Today was School Picture Day! Masha'Allah all the students looked great!
Reminders: Please send the canvas if you have not done so because students will be using it very soon in shaa Allah.
I hope you have a wonderful evening in shaa Allah.