Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Sr. Madlien read The Curious Garden. She gave the students a worksheet about the story and we did it as a class.
Math: Math book pages 122 and 123.
Social Studies: Students learned the meaning of different symbols. They matched symbols to their meanings and coloured them.
Islamic Studies: We talked about Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and some of his good manners.We sang a nasheed and we prayed Asr.
Homework: Math book pages 122 and 123 (Home Connection)
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Read a story.
Reminders: Please make sure your child prays every day.
Students have a spelling quiz on Monday. Don't forget to use Spelling City (test # 12)
If you have stories about Prophet Mohammed (SAW), please send them with your child.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend in shaa Allah!