Friday 28 November 2014

New Unit in Math

This is to inform you that we have started anew unit in Math.  We are now working on now working on Unit 9 that is all about 2D shapes.
We reviewed the 2D shapes' names, we described them, talked about them, and we looked round for 2D shapes.
We compared 2D shapes and 3D shapes.
Please take the time to review the few pages that we did on Unit 9 with your child.
Jazakum-Allah kheir for your cooperation and understanding!

Friday 14 November 2014


This is to inform you that the progress report for term one, will be sent home today, inshallah..

Parent-teacher interview will be on Thursday, November 20th, inshallah!  Please note that we will have early dismissal on that day...

Friday, November 21st is a PD day, inshallah!  No school for the students...

Tuesday 11 November 2014

No homework sent home today...

I will be sending the weekly homework tomorrow, inshallah!

Thank you for understanding...

Monday 3 November 2014


The DRA reading assessments to identify student's independent reading level will be taking place over the coming 2 weeks, inshallah. Students will be asked to read a short story depending on their level and discuss the reading orally with Teacher Naaz.