Thursday 1 June 2017

French Test on Monday on Monday June 5th

Assalam alaikoum Dear parents, I hope my email finds you in a good health and Eman
 Gr1 will have:
A.   Spelling test on Monday,June 5,2017.
B.   French test on Monday, June 5,2017
 You find below the words.   
1.    Marie
2.    parle
3.    avec
4.    son
5.    amie

 Jazakoum Allah khairan
French teacher
P.S. Please note that a set of papers has been sent home with the students.

Monday 3 April 2017

A message from Monsieur Said, the French teacher :)

Asslam alikum Dear Parents, I hope my email finds you in   good health and Eman.

Below are some update from our 
French class.
This month our grade 1 students will be continuing to practice simple conversations, asking and answering  short questions about ourselves such as, comment vas-tu? Quelle est ta couleur préférée?   and talking about days of the week and the weather. They are learning about classroom objects, and prepositions (sur, sous, dans, devant, derrière). We have also be reviewing a few new French songs.
We will also be reviewing the vocabulary for the story , OU EST MON CHIEN ?( restaurant, chef, cherche, trouve, content, se cache, chiots, court, crie) .
·   Play rehearsal – introduction of the play Ou est mon chien ?
·  Introduction of the second IPG activity – colouring the characters.
·  Simple questions based on the story – les questions totales.
·   Introduction of the characters -  Marie – Suzanne – Policier – chef Robert – Madame Tremblay – chien Minuit - Pico la chienne.
·   We did the following activities related to the story :
1- Qu’est ce qui se passe ? ( students should draw a line that identifies the picture as it corresponds to the sentence, using basic vocabulary and very simple language structure and copy the sentence on the line. )
2-  Fais un dessin :  students should read and respond briefly to the written material ( draw a picture)
Please encourage your child to read the story I sent you and practice with him/her the vocabulary.
Jazakoum Allah khairan

Friday 3 March 2017

Quran update from our Quran teacher,

Assalamo alaikom dear parents,

Alhamdulillah, we have finished in Quraan surat Al-lail. The student had the chance to do the following ( material taught in Arabic):

Knows that this surat contrasts the two kinds of people in the world ( the ones who devote their life to good and the ones who devote their lives to pleasing their desires. The final destination of each path.

Knows the meaning of the Ayat in general and the following words (الليل, النّهار الذّكر, الأنثى, نارا, نعمة).

Makes and enjoys an activity as you see in the pictures.


Nesreen Zahedah, B.Sc.
Quran & Arabic Language Teacher
Abraar School

Tuesday 31 January 2017

A letter from Teacher Salam, the Arabic Teacher

السلام عليكم:

انتهينا بحمد الله من وحدة الملابس، حيث تزود الطالب بالعديد من المفردات والجمل الجديدة ، و تدرب على قراءتها و تهجئتها، حفظ نشيد بعنوان ( الملابس)، وتعلم العديد من المهارات اللغوية منها:
توظيف هذا وهذه في جمل صحيحة، استخدام الفعل المضارع مع (هو -هي -أنا) ،التعرف على المدود ( الألف -الواو - الياء) و التمييز بينها، قراءة المقطع الساكن في الكلمة، تمييز الحرف الناقص من الكلمة وكتابته، مطابقة الكلمة مع الصورة ، كما تدرب على الكتابة الصحيحة و حسن الخط -  و وصف حالة الجو (مشمس- غائم- ماطر ……...الخ).
والآن بدأنا باستخدام كتاب جديد للغة العربية ، يتضمن العديد من الحوارات و الفقرات و المفردات ، مستوحاة من بيئة الطالب و محيطه ،يرافقها العديد من التدريبات اللغوية، وذلك لتنمية  قدرة الطالب على فهم اللغة و تطبيقها ( الحديث بها) بالاضافة الى القراءة و التهجئة الصحيحة للحروف  المفردات و الكلمات ، و حسن الخط و الكتابة .
We finished unit [The Clothes] elhamdulilah. The students learned new vocabulary and sentences. The students practiced reading and spelling. They learned a new nasheed about clothes. Additional learning included:
·         Using ( هذا-هذه)
·         Mad el alif/waw/ya recognition
·         Reading silent syllables in words
·         Completing missing letters in words
·         Matching words with their proper picture
·         Describing the weather
·         Practicing penmanship skills
Now we started a new text book which helps the students in learning how to use Arabic using relevant vocabulary and context.
Please help the student practice mad el alif, waw, and yaa with this link:
If you need to contact me by email:
Jazakum Allah Khairan

Thursday 19 January 2017

Thursday, January 26th is PICTURE DAY!!!

This is to inform you that Thursday, January 26th is going to be PICTURE DAY :)
PLEASE NOTE:  Students have to be in uniform.

Thank you,
Teacher Asma'a
Image result for picture day free clipart