Thursday 31 January 2013

A message from the Principal, Milk Program Update

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has been brought to my attention that it may be financially too difficult for some to pay for two months in advance for the milk program. Please note that if some parents wish to pay on a monthly basis then they can do so. The amount for the month of February is $18.

Jazakumullahu khair,
Dr.Saleem, Principal

Islamic Education for the Next Generation


Wednesday 30 January 2013

A message from Teacher Salam, the Arabic teacher

اللغة العربية :

*اختبار قراءة الاثنين الموافق ( 4/2/2013 ) .......... في جميع المفردات و المقاطع ، الموضحة في الورقة الخاصة المرسلة مع الطالب .

*الرجاء الاطلاع أيضا على ورقة النشاط الصفي المرسلة مع الطالب ، و توقيعها ، و اعادتها مع الطالب .

و جزاكم الله خيرا

Monday 28 January 2013

Assalamu alaikum dear parents

 Please be adviced that your child is practicing Surat Al-Layl in the Quran class , the new ayas are from aya 14- 17, so please practice and review from aya 1-17.

Jazakum Alalhu Khairan for your support

Tr. Hoda                                                                                                     

A message from Tr. Nancy, the librarian...

Dear Parents/ Guardian,

Assalamu Alaikum!

Reading to your child or having your child read to you has tremendous benefits such as spending quality time together, increasing your child’s vocabulary, introducing him/her to the wonderful world of books… the benefits are too numerous to name them all here.

Read With Me” is a yearly library program that is geared towards daycare, preschool and grade 1 students.  The program will start Monday, February 4, 2013 and will finish Sunday, April 14, 2013, inshaAllah.

For more information on the program details, please visit


 Nancy-Ann Brethour, Librarian

Abraar School Library



Wednesday 23 January 2013

A letter from Teacher Samia, the Quran teacher, regarding the Quran Competition...

January 15, 2013.

Dear parents and guardians,

Assalamu Allikum

This is a reminder of the deadline for participating in the Abraar Fourth Annual Quran Competition which is approaching soon Insha Allah (31st January 2013).

Also, for the students who have submitted registration slips for the competition, please be advised that the first round of the competition will start at the beginning of February and will last until the beginning of March, so be prepared for this round according to the following dates:

Week 1 (Feb. 4 to Feb.8 )                  JK, SK and Grade 1.

Week 2 (Feb.11. to Feb. 14)              Grades 2 and 3.

Week 3 (Feb. Feb. 22)              Grades 4 and 5 .

Week 4 (Feb. 25. to Mar.1)               Grades 6, 7 and 8.

Lastly, Jazakum Allah Khairan to the parents who made contributions towards the Quran
competition and we are still waiting for your generous donations as we are about $1500 away from our target.

Wassalamu Allikum

Samia Tarbah

Quran Teacher

cc: Dr. Mohammed Saleem, Principal

Monday 21 January 2013

Multiple Sclerosis Read-A-Thon kickoff...

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum

Tomorrow is the Multiple Sclerosis Read-A-Thon kickoff!

The assembly will take place in the gym from 9:00 to 9:30.  Please visit for more information on this very important event.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan.



Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot
MS Read-A-Thon

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Grade 8 Fundraiser for graduation...

Grade 8 students will be selling:
Kernels' popcorn $1.75
chocolate $2.50
Every Wednesday, inshallah!
If you would like your child to buy some,
please send money!
Your support is appreciated!!!

Thursday 10 January 2013

T-shirt design contest


T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTESTAttention Abraar School Students!!!

Do you want to make a difference? How about your design on the school’s t-shirt? Interested? Well then…READ ON!

1. Only ONE design per student.
2. Design Size: 8 inches x 10 inches.

3. Background of the design should be white in color.

4. The design can only contain 3 colors.

5. It can be hand drawn or computer generated. If hand drawn then we should be able to scan it. If it is computer generated then the file should be in the .jpg format.

6. The design must only contain the following words/sentences:

a. Abraar School

b. Character is the key!

7. All art work must be student’s original and not copyrighted.

8. This competition is open to all grade levels.


Submit Your Design to Sr. Naida or Email to


Wednesday 9 January 2013

A message from Tr. Salam

اللغة العربية :
السلام عليكم .. نرحب بكم ، و كل عام و أنتم بخير ...... كتاب اللغة العربية (العربية الميسرة – القراءة و التمارين) مرفق مع الطالب ، للاطلاع عليه ، حيث انتهينا  اليوم من درس  حرف الدال ( في نادي الرياضة ) .
توقعنا من الطالب حتى الان  : قراءة و تهجئة جميع الحروف و المقاطع و المفردات في فقرة (أقرأ) التابعة لكل درس من الدروس التي درست  ، و ما شاء الله معظم التلاميذ يجيدون ذلك ......... الرجاء الاطلاع على الكتاب ، و ضرورة ارساله مع الطالب غدا الى المدرسة لحاجتنا الدراسية له .
الكتاب المقرر سيبقى في المدرسة ، و سيرسل بين الحين و الاخر للبيت لعمل بعض الواجبات المنزلية ، و لكن ولي الامر الذي يرغب في أن يذهب الكتاب يوميا مع الطالب الى البيت ، عليه اخباري بذلك ، على أن يضمن احضارالطالب للكتاب، معه يوميا الى المدرسة في حالة جيدة ، لحاجتنا اليومية له .
و جزاكم الله خيرا ........ المدرسة / سلام

A new Math unit

We have started working on Unit 6, in Math...
This unit will focus on 3-D figures or solids!
We had our introduction today and I encourage you to go over the first couple of pages of the unit with your child...