Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They read words in their spelling books and wrote the list words that rhymed. They wrote two sentences about their favourite game.
Writing: Students said examples of different Proper Nouns. They finished their worksheet about Proper Nouns.
Library: We went to the library and checked out books.
Social Studies: We talked about more symbols and their meanings.Students took a S.S worksheet where they circled 10 symbols and started colouring a picture with different symbols.
Islamic Studies: We talked about Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and some of his good manners. Students learned that this is the month the Prophet (SAW) was born.
We read a dialogue between Ziad and his mother about Prophet Mohammed (SAW) in our I Love Islam text book. We prayed Asr.
Read a story.
Reminders: Please sign your child's spelling quiz and send it to school tomorrow. Make sure your child brings the homework pack tomorrow.
Have a great evening in shaa Allah!