Alsalamu Alakum,
Today we had a wonderful day at school.
Writing: Students made Eid cards for their parents.
Math: Showing numbers in different ways, page 27. Students took turns to write the number words on the board and those who spelled them right got stickers.
Eid Celebration: We talked about how we spent Eid, we ate and listened to and sang Eid songs.
Homework: Math book page 27 (home connection)
Read at least one story from the ones sent home.
Kindly note that the spelling quiz (four, five, six, seven) will be on Monday. Also if your child did not hand in his or her homework please make sure it is handed in no later than Monday in shaa Allah.
Students will receive a homework pack tomorrow in shaa Allah (due on Tuesday 10/22/2013).
Thank you for your cooperation.
Eid Mubarak!
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb