Today was a wonderful day alhamlilah!
Reading: Students talked about the stories they read at home. We talked about the different questions we should ask when we see a book cover. We read a book about "living Things". Students sat in groups and read stories.
Math: Math book page 39.
Science: Students learned the characteristics of living things. They took a worksheet about living and non living things.
Islamic Studies: Students learned more about Allah, our Great Creator. They learned that every gift we have is from Allah. We said the duaa of the month.
Gym: We learned about healthy food. We also learned about some healthy habits.
Homework: Math book page 39 (Home Connection)
Read a story.
Please sign your child's Spelling quiz and send it to school tomorrow.
Our Book Fair will be this Friday from 1:05 to 1:45 in shaa Allah.