Monday 28 October 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a nice day alhamdulilah.

Spelling: Students had their fourth spelling quiz. We completed pages 17, 18 and 19 in our Spelling books.

Writing: We learned how to add adjectives to our sentences to make them more interesting.

Library: Students went to the Library and learned about titles.

Gym: We played "People to People", we formed lines (straight, zigzag, and broken). Students made different sizes of pizza (large, medium and small)

Science: We talked about Living Things. We read about Living things and what they need to survive.

Islamic Studies: We talked about Allah, the Great Creator. Students drew pictures in their workbooks
of some of the wonderful things Allah created.

Quran: Working on Surat Al- Alaaq (Aya: 6 to 10). Review (Aya 1 to 5)

Kindly note that a Book Fair flyer was sent home with your child.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!