Monday 21 October 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Today we had a good day alhamdulilah.

Spelling: Students took their second spelling quiz (four, five, six, seven) today. Kindly sign the spelling quiz and send it with your child to school tomorrow.

I would also like to remind you that this week students will have a spelling quiz on Thursday (10/24/2013) in shaa Allah. They will be asked to write the number words: eight, nine and ten.

Writing: Students wrote in their writing notebooks. We talked about the use of capital letters and end marks.

Library: Students went to the library and borrowed books.

Social Studies: We revised the different rules and responsibilities we have in different places. We also talked about "Routine". Students talked about some of the things they do every day.

Islamic Studies: We talked about how to be respectful during prayer. We also learned more about Hajj.

Gym: Students learned about personal space and how to stay safe in the gym. Students held hands and made different sizes of pizza (small, medium and large).

Homework: Read a story and complete homework pack.

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!


Ms. Hoda Elshayeb