Today was a nice day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students looked at pictures in their Spelling books and wrote words that have the same beginning and end sounds.
Math: Math book pages 109 and 111.
Science: We talked more about Living Things. We learned about the human body and how our organs function.
Homework: Math book pages 109 and 111 (Home Connection)
-Page 109, Have your child make a graph to show their family members who have birthdays in the summer vacation and those who have birthdays during the school year.
-Page 111, Together, talk about the information that your child gathered (Students asked 10 friends whether they had pets or not and they used the information to make a graph)
Homework Pack (due on Tuesday)
Read a story.
Reminder: We have our sixth Spelling Quiz on Monday: jar, fan, fun, bag, jog, pig
Please have your child use the Spelling City website to practice writing the list words.
I hope you all have a great weekend in shaa Allah!