Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They completed sentences in their spelling books using the list words. They read words and wrote words that rhymed.
Writing: Students wrote a sentence about the weather and learned about weather maps.
Science: We learned more about animals and plants. Students wrote some of the characteristics of living things on the board. Sr. Saamia read us a book about "Noses". We learned about some of the different noses animals have.
Islamic Studies: We talked about wudu and sang the wudu nasheed. We also talked about the importance of being respectful during prayer and how to pray. Students said the five pillars of Islam ans sang a nasheed (The Pillars of Islam).
Homework: Homework pack (due tomorrow), please make sure your child makes the booklet. and is able to read it and the word family sheet. Read a story. Practice making wudu at home.
Field Trip: We went to the public library, most students borrowed books and those who did not have a library card got to borrow a book from the school library. Please make sure you return the books to any public library. Books are due in three weeks (Dec 16th). Parents who did not submit the forms can send me an e-mail and I will send a form with their child, so he/she can have a card next time we go in shaa Allah.
Have a great evening in shaa Allah!