Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students learned more about punctuation (full stops, question marks, exclamation marks). They wrote sentences in their writing notebooks about the weather. Students were asked to use adjectives when writing their sentences.
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read "Cookies" for the second time. Students got to learn new vocabulary. Cookies is the book Sr. Madlien read us last week for the story log.
Math: Math book page 118. Our Math buddies from 4A joined us today. Students took a worksheet with a graph about a hen laying eggs on different days. Students answered questions about the graph with their Math buddies.
Art: Students made a hen by tracing their hand, colouring and sticking pompoms and eyes. They had lots of fun!
Homework: Math book page 118 (Home Connection)
Read a story.
Kindly note that your child has a project to research an animal (details are in homework pack).
Teacher Nancy and I will be collaborating for this in shaa Allah.
Reminders: Tomorrow is the deadline to order mitten clips. If you haven't ordered any and need some, please make sure to order them tomorrow.
Students should start practicing for their spelling quiz on Monday (test #9). Don't forget to use Spelling City.
Please make sure that your child cuts and makes the book in the homework pack.
I hope you all have a great evening!