Today was a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote the new list words in their spelling books.
Math: Math book page 116.
Homework: Math book page 116 (Home Connection)
Read a story.
Complete homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Reminder: Practice for the spelling quiz on Monday. Don't forget to use Spelling City (Test # 8)
We are going to the Library on Monday in shaa Allah from 10:30 to 12:00.
- If your child has a public library card please send it along on Monday. The students will be able to check out books only if they have their library card. For those students that do not have a library card but sent the form to get one, the librarian will give them out on Monday in shaa Allah.
Alhamdulilah I had a really good time today at the Parent - Teacher conference.
I hope you all have a great weekend!