Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Sr. Madlein read us "Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee". She also gave the students a worksheet where students wrote rhyming words from the story.
Writing: Students wrote sentences about True Friends. Students were encouraged to use adjectives from the book "Cookies".. loyal, generous, compassionate..etc
Math: Math book pages 82 and 83.
Science: Students learned about different habitats. We talked about what animals have in their habitats to help them survive.
Health: Students sat on the carpet and they talked about the different food groups. They shared their answers with the class.
Homework: Math book pages 82 and 83 (Home Connection)
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Read a story.
Reminder: Please make sure that your child cuts and makes the book in the homework pack. The students were given their hot lunch form today, please return it by December 12th.
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!