Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read Eats, Shoots and Leaves. We talked about the story and students learned the importance of using commas.
Math: Math book page 95.
Science: Students presented their projects. Masha'Allah we enjoyed their presentations! We discussed the projects that were presented today. Students sat on the carpet and we discussed the connection among living things. They wrote one sentence in their writing notebooks about How Living Things Help Each Other.
Students presenting their projects tomorrow are: Mohamed, Talin, Sultan, Firas, Rayan, Issir and Aisha.
Gym: Students practiced bouncing the ball and passing it to one another. We played FAST!
Islamic Studies: We talked about the steps of prayer. We learned the different parts of prayer and the proper way to pray. We sang The Pillars of Islam nasheed.
Homework: Math book page 95 (Home Connection)
Read a story.
Kindly note that your child took a note home today about a potluck we will be having with grade 1B on Thursday in shaa Allah. Students are looking forward to it!
Have a great evening in shaa Allah!