Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They wrote missing letters in their Spelling books to complete the list words.
Writing:Students sat on the carpet and I read Hairy, Scary, Ordinary. We talked about all the adjectives in the book. Students wrote sentences in their writing notebooks about how living things help each other. Students were encouraged to use adjectives from the book, Hairy, Scary, Ordinary.
Library: Tr. Nancy asked students about their projects. Students checked out books from the library.
Science: Students presented their projects.They did a great job masha'Allah! Students sat on the carpet and we talked about the projects that were presented today.
Students presenting their projects tomorrow are: Taha, Uzair, Youssef, Zaina, Yassine, Melike and Alia.
Quran: Students are finishing surat Al-Duha this week and they will be tested after the winter break in shaa Allah.
Islamic Studies: We sang the "Five Pillars" nasheed. We talked about the steps of prayer. Students finished writing one thing they are good at in prayer on stars.
Homework: Read a story.
Homework pack (due tomorrow)
Reminder: Please sign your child's spelling quiz and send it with your child to school tomorrow.
I hope you have a lovely evening!