Assalamu alaikum!
We have finished our 7th week of school, walhamdulillah!
We have achieved lots:
- we have gotten used to writing the short date on all of our work.
- most of us have mastered the rules of writing in our journals (please ask your child to tell you what the rules are).
- in reading we have been reading about living and non-living things, some stories just for fun, and we have been listening to online stories (please take the time to read with your child on a daily basis).
- in math we have wrapped up our second chapter 'Exploring Numbers'. We have been counting by 1, 2, 5, and 10 (please practice that at home with your child). We have practiced using the words 'more' and 'less'. We used 10-frames (ask your child what that is) to solve our problems. We talked about calendars and ordinal numbers. We are now working on chapter #4, 'Introducing adding and subtracting'. We talked about the difference between 'plus' and 'minus', etc.
- we have completed our 'Living and non living things' unit in science.
- in art we have been doing little tasks here and there. We have drawn living and non-living things and written about them. We have drawn things related to math (calendars/numbers/addition and subtraction stories).
- in Islamic Studies (taught in Arabic) we covered the following topics 'Thank you Allah', we thank Allah for all the 'ni'am' (blessings) He has given us. Saying 'Alhamdulillah' for all that we have been given. Doing 'Thikr' (subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu akbar). We talked about Allah's name 'Al-Hameed (The praiseworthy). 'Allah loves kindness' (lutuf). We have to be kind to humans, animals, and plants. We respect our parents, neighbors, classmates, friends, etc. We mentioned a couple of hadiths that talk about kindness. We talked about the story of the woman who was cruel to the cat and the man that was kind to the dog. We moved on to talking about the 5 pillars of Islam (arkan alislam alkhams) and their importance in our daily live.
- in gym/health class we have been practicing the dos and don'ts of being in the gym. We learned and played a couple of games: 'Middle line tag' and 'Dead ants'. The students were divided in 4 teams and given a chance to dribble and shot the basketball.
- in social studies have started talking about 'rules', 'responsibilities' and 'relationships'. We talked about how all these things are important everywhere around the world. We talked about relationships at home, and at school. We talked about the rules in the class, at school, at the park, on the street (how everywhere we have rules and we have to follow them in order for everyone to be safe and live a good life). We will talk about responsibilities next.
*Usually I do not send books home because most of the time, but if you need to take a look at the work we are covering in class, please let me know and I can send the book(s) home.
*Also, if you need anything or feel like you would like to meet please email me and we can plan accordingly, inshallah.
*I am sure all of you are aware of our 'Zero Tolerance' rule, in which no one is allowed to touch his/her classmate in any way or manner. Parents will be notified through an email whenever a student breaks the 'Zero Tolerance Rule'.
*I have completed the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment). I have tested each student by doing a one on one reading test. I will be reviewing the results with Teacher Hajer (our Reading Program Coordinator), then we will send the results home, inshallah.
*Week 8 will be the first week we will be sending our weekly homework home. We (Teacher Jessica and I) will send the homework home on Tuesdays and we would like it complete in a neat and organized manner and sent back to school on Mondays.
By working together we will have a successful year, inshallah!
Teacher Asma'a