Tuesday 27 May 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Pottery Workshop: We had the pottery workshop in the gym today and students make dinosaurs, owls and cats. Masha'Allah they did an amazing job! We had so much fun!

Math: Math book page 259.

Spelling: Today students learned how to form action words in the past (add ed). They answered questions in their spelling books about action words.

Science: We are starting our unit about Structure. We went to the park and students looked at different structures. Tr. Jessica talked to both classes about structures and what different structures are made of.

Homework: Pray
                   Math book page 259 (Home Connection)
                   Read a story.

Reminders: If your child has not returned his or her library books, please make sure it is returned tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!