Alhamdulillah, it is the 3rd week of school already...
We are getting things started:
- by practicing our simple daily routines (lining up, listening, following instructions, respecting the rules, positive reinforcement and consequences, etc.).
- in writing we are focusing on the correct way in which to write each letter in its capital and lower case form.
- in reading we are reading stories about school (rules/behavior) as a class and then talking about the lesson/moral.
- in math we have started working on sorting and patterning.
- in science are learning about living and non-living things.
- in art we are working on our friendly monsters.
- in Islamic Studies (taught in Arabic) we have been talking Hajj, Prophet Ibraheem and Prophet Ismail. We have had a class (with the help of Teacher Dian, the Islamic Studies Coordinator) where we looked for background knowledge (what had learned about Islamic Studies in Arabic in JK & SK) so that I can plan accordingly.
- in gym/health class we are working on being safety, working together, and eating healthy.
- We will be working on social studies after we finish our science unit, we usually alternate between social studies and science in grade one.
*Usually I do not send books home because most of the time, but if you need to take a look at the work we are covering in class, please let me know and I can send the book(s) home.
*Also, if you need anything or feel like you would like to meet please email me and we can plan accordingly, inshallah.
By working together we will have a successful year, inshallah!
Teacher Asma'a