Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read My Father's Dragon, Chapter two.
Writing: We ate popcorn and started a worksheet where we described popcorn using different adjectives.
Math: Students took turns to complete number sentences on the board and they completed a worksheet as a class where we completed number sentences using number lines.
Social Studies: Mariam presented her project and masha'Allah she did a great job!
Islamic Studies: We talked about Ithaar. We read stories about Ithaar in our I Love Islam text books.
We ate oranges too!
Homework: Pray
Homework Pack (due on Tuesday)
Story Response Log (My Father's Dragon, Chapter 2)
Reminders: Send Tr. Nancy an E-mail, so she can send you your child's username and password for bookflix. Tr. Nancy will also send you the link in shaa Allah and instructions on how to login.
Have a wonderful weekend in shaa Allah!