Friday 20 September 2013

Great Week Alhamdulilah

Alsalamu Alaikum

Dear parents,

We had another great week at school Alhamdulilah!

We talked more about the school rules and students practiced applying them.

We read sentences and learned the difference between sentences and words. Students wrote capital and small letters in class. We read books and talked about the importance of reading.

 Students wrote missing numbers. They counted shapes and sea creatures and circled the greater numbers. We counted backwards from 10 and forward to 20. Students coloured buckets of numbers and letters using different colours.

In Social Studies we talked about how there are rules everywhere and why it is important to have rules. Students learned about what some of those rules are and why it is important to apply those rules.

We learned about different lines. Students drew lines in leaves using different colours. They all did a wonderful job masha'Allah!

We played "Octopus" and "What Time is it Mr. Wolf".

We said the duaa for the month (sayid alistikhfar) every day. Students learned more about how to make wudu' and perform prayer.

It was a great week alhamdulilah!

I hope you all have a great weekend in shaa Allah!


Ms. Hoda Elshayeb