Alsalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,
Kindly note that students will have a test next week on surat Al-Teen.
Have a great weekend!
Tr. Hoda Harb
Friday, 27 September 2013
Lovely Week
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well.
This week students had their CTBS Test. They learned about classroom rules during a test and how to listen to instructions and follow them.
We talked more about rules and regulations in Social Studies class. We also learned about our responsibilities as Muslims.
We played Pizza, Octopus and today we went out for the Terry Fox Run.
We talked about "Hajj"and the Kabah. We talked about Eid and the different things we do with our families in Eid. We also made sheep and put them on paper bags in Art class! Students really enjoyed decorating their paper bags!
We talked about how we should always remember the hungry people all over the world and sang a lovely song about how we are one human kind!
Alhamdulilah we had a great week!
In shaa Allah next week we will learn more about Hajj and Eid and do lots of lovely activities!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well.
This week students had their CTBS Test. They learned about classroom rules during a test and how to listen to instructions and follow them.
We talked more about rules and regulations in Social Studies class. We also learned about our responsibilities as Muslims.
We played Pizza, Octopus and today we went out for the Terry Fox Run.
We talked about "Hajj"and the Kabah. We talked about Eid and the different things we do with our families in Eid. We also made sheep and put them on paper bags in Art class! Students really enjoyed decorating their paper bags!
We talked about how we should always remember the hungry people all over the world and sang a lovely song about how we are one human kind!
In shaa Allah next week we will learn more about Hajj and Eid and do lots of lovely activities!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
Friday, 20 September 2013
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,
Kindly note that next week students will take their CTBS test- (Canadian Tests of Basic Skills) on September 24th for three consecutive days in shaa Allah. This test will not be included in their report cards. It is a diagnostic test used to determine the level of the students.
The CTBS test will enable us to identify student achievement in major curriculum areas including Vocabulary, Reading, Language, Mathematics and Science.
In shaa Allah I will talk to students about the CTBS test on Monday and explain to them exactly what is expected from them on this test, so that they are prepared in shaa Allah.
Jazakum Allah Khair.
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
Great Week Alhamdulilah
Alsalamu Alaikum
Dear parents,
We had another great week at school Alhamdulilah!
We talked more about the school rules and students practiced applying them.
We read sentences and learned the difference between sentences and words. Students wrote capital and small letters in class. We read books and talked about the importance of reading.
Students wrote missing numbers. They counted shapes and sea creatures and circled the greater numbers. We counted backwards from 10 and forward to 20. Students coloured buckets of numbers and letters using different colours.
In Social Studies we talked about how there are rules everywhere and why it is important to have rules. Students learned about what some of those rules are and why it is important to apply those rules.
We learned about different lines. Students drew lines in leaves using different colours. They all did a wonderful job masha'Allah!
We played "Octopus" and "What Time is it Mr. Wolf".
We said the duaa for the month (sayid alistikhfar) every day. Students learned more about how to make wudu' and perform prayer.
It was a great week alhamdulilah!
I hope you all have a great weekend in shaa Allah!
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
Tr. Hoda Harb (Qura'n Teacher)
Assalamu alaikum
Dear parents
Welcome to a new year, Grade 1A students are practicing
Surat: “ Al-Teen” in Quran
Class. Alhamdulilah they are memorizing
and applying Tajweed rules as well. Please practice at home the above mentioned
Please check your child’s agenda , since I sent a letter
with them.
Jazakum Alalhu khairan for your cooperation and help at
home, I ‘m lookiing forward to a wonderful year with your child.
T. Hoda Harb
Gr. 1A Quran teacher
Monday, 16 September 2013
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Kindly note that students have their red folders. Students will complete the letter "D" and the number "4" at home. Please make sure that your child uses a pencil and does not do more than the assigned homework. If students wish to do more work, they can do that on a different paper, but not in the red folder please.
Jazakum Allahu Khair
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
Friday, 13 September 2013
Some of the Lovely Things We Did This Week!
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Dear Parents,
This week we learned, played and got to know a lot more about each other at school. We talked a lot about rules and did a lot of practice. Please ask your children about the school rules and ask them why it is important to follow them.
We talked about family members and the people we love. Students told the class about the different things they like to do with their family and how they are grateful for having them. Students drew pictures of their family members in flowers.
We talked about what Math is. We counted from 1 to 10. We also counted backwards from 10 to 0. We counted different objects in the classroom. Students wrote missing numbers in a worksheet and on the board.
Students said the alphabet and wrote capital and lower case letters in a worksheet. Students colored fish using different colors to differentiate between capital and lower case.
We read books and talked about the different reasons people read.
We played "Chinese Whisper"!
We learned our theme for the year, Duaa. We got to understand the meaning of duaa and how to make duaa. We prayed and discussed the importance of standing with respect when praying.
We had a great time alhamdulilah!
Today students took red folders with the alphabet and numbers home. Kindly make sure your child completes "B "and the number "2". Students should ONLY complete "B" and "2". Please make sure your child does NOT do more than that in the folder.
Looking forward to a great year in shaa Allah!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Jazakum Allahu Khair
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
French Teacher (Tr. Said)
Letter To Parents
Dear Parents,
My name
is Mr.Said and your son/daughter is enrolled in my French class this year. I am
looking forward to an exciting year. It is my goal to provide all students with
an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in my classroom. I will
recognize the individuality of my students and will provide opportunities for
each of them to experience success.
I have
extremely high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to
maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to
make sure that his/her work is being done. I am available to help students
during my prep periods.
I want
you to know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines
of communication open with you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at, if you have any questions or concerns during
the year.
French teacher.
School Supplies
Alsalamu Alaikum,
If you have not brought the school supplies, kindly send them with your child to school because we are using them now.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan,
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
Thursday, 12 September 2013
A Message from Tr. Salam Beseiso (Arabic Teacher)
الصف الاول الابتدائي
12 سبتمبر2013
الاهالي الكرام ....
السلام عليكم و رحمة
الله و بركاته .. نرحب بكم جميعا و بتلاميذنا الاعزاء , و كل عام و أنتم بخير ،
يسعدني أن أقوم بمهمة تدريس مادة اللغة العربية للصف الاول الابتدائي لهذا العام ،
جعله الله عز و جل عاما دراسيا مثمرا خيرا .
منهجنا الدراسي لهذا العام
منهج شيق مفيد ، حيث تمثل مجالاته حياة الطفل وتسهم في تنمية قدرات الطفل الذهنية
و الفكرية ، و تثري خبراته في جميع فروع
اللغة ( فهم و استيعاب – قراءة – كتابة – و تعبير)، وذلك من خلال اتباع استراتيجيات متنوعه و محببة للطفل (
الانشودة ، المسابقة ، اللعبة التعليمية الهادفة ، الاعمال الفنية ، مشاركة
التلميذ و فعاليته في العملية
التعليمية ............ ) .
كما نحرص على ... ضرورة توفير جو نفسي
اجتماعي يبعث الطمأنينة في نفس الطفل و يكون حافزا و مشجعا له للاقبال على التعلم
بشوق لتحقيق ما نصبو اليه من أهداف تعليمية و تربوية بيسر و سهولة ...و ذلك من خلال وضع قوانين و
اجراءات مناسبة لضبط السلوك و النظام داخل
الفصل ، يتم تدريب التلاميذ على ضرورة اتباعها
لكي يسود الاحترام و التعاون والحب بينهم.
الكتاب المقرر سيبقى في المدرسة ، و سيرسل ان
شاء الله الى البيت مع الطالب من حين الى آخرمع بعض ما ينجزه التلميذ لاطلاع ولي
الامر عليه .
يمكنكم التواصل مع المدرسة من خلال :
اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا و انفعنا بماعلمتنا و زدنا علما .
مدرسة اللغة العربية / سلام بسيسو
Monday, 9 September 2013
Welcome back!
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Welcome back to school! I had a great time with your children last week. Masha'Allah they are all such wonderful children. We made name tents, completed My First Days Back to School activity pack, played games, coloured, talked about our class rules and had a tour around the school!
In shaa Allah we will have a great time this week too :)
For those who haven't sent the school supplies, please send them asap as we will be using them very soon in shaa Allah.
Kindly send me an e-mail at, so I have all your e-mail addresses.
We need small boxes (shoe boxes) please. Jazakum Allah Khiar
Looking forward to a great year with my lovely students in shaa Allah!
Ms. Hoda Elshayeb
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