Friday 12 April 2013

Bake Sale info for parents...

Dearest Parents,

This is to inform you that both grade 1A & 1B will be responsible for the FIRST bake sale of a series of sales.  The funds raised will go towards the purchase of our new school and the making of the youth centre.

Of course we could not do this without your full support!  We would like to ask each and every family to provide us with baked goods to sell on Tuesday, April 16th, inshallah!  Please make sure that the goods are NUT FREE… 

When baking the goods, keep in mind that the customers are children.

Some suggestions of what to bake or send:  cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, cakes, brownies, small sandwishes, little meat pies & cheese pies, little pizzas, etc.


To make the servining process easier, please wrap/package in individual servings…

Please remember that we are selling to the whole school…

Together, inshallah, we can achieve our goal!!!

Last but not least, we would like to have some parents volunteer (6 would be wonderful) to help in the serving process on the day on the day of the bake sale, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.  Please email if you are able to make it. 

We appreciate your full support and cooperation!!!

Tr. Jessica & Asma’a

p.s. If you have family and friends that would like to help, it would be great!!!  We want everyone to be rewarded…